
Hi! I'm Lauren Wallett

Creative Anarchist, Strategist & Software Founder by day. Avant-Clown Performer by night. Reimagining Sales, Marketing, and Business while designing a life between New York City and London. It all gets to be different. Black coffee and black dogs 🖤

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10 Alternative Sales Strategies [Sales Series 07]

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES Happy Chooseday! Today is a whopper. You'll want to save this to return to. For each of these, ask HOW you're doing and how you could improve. Want suggestions? Write back with questions on your favorite idea and I'll send you answers. Alternative Sales Strategies: [Shift from Selling to Sharing] #1 Let Clients Choose You: Move away from traditional, often aggressive, sales tactics. Instead, attract clients by genuinely sharing what you love and letting them choose...

A soap bubble floating in the air with a blurry background

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES The Best Sales Strategy But first: Did you know I wrote a business book? A third of the book is dedicated to alternative sales strategy, and today I'll share an extract with you. Also, if you haven't read my book here's a podcast discussing it for a quick overview. Okay, now here's the strategy: The Over The Rainbow Strategy From Problem to Promise Abandoning the paradigm of problem-solution marketing opens you up to possibilities. You're released from the rhetoric...

A wooden table topped with lots of pastries

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES To have a successful business you need to solve a problem. And not just a small niggly problem like an itch that needs to be scratched, but a bleeding-neck problem that's life or death. And if your customer doesn't know it's life or death, make them realize it fast! This is stupid advice. It's sold to you by the same people who sell "how to sell". It's soulless. Devoid of all emotions that make humans tick. People don't do things because of urgency and emergency...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES I love a good sale. And this sale was a good one. Workout sets in neutral tones. Buttery soft fabric. Quality crop tops and skin-tight leggings. I took my selection to the counter. "Get the other two" he suggested. "Should I? I don't know..." It felt indulgent. Did I need all three? He encouraged me, saying everything I was thinking: about the sets' quality, look and feel, the sale... "I'll do it!" I said, scooping up all three sets in black, pink, and cream. "Well...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES It's easy to assume we know what people mean. We base it on what makes sense to us. That's why there's so much miscommunication. Especially when someone asks you how you do something that comes naturally to you. It can feel too obvious to explain. Like: How do you come up with so many ideas? Answer: How do I not?? Clarifying questions help us bridge the gap. Example: How: Financially, Logistically, Legally, Emotionally, Something Else? City Hopping Sales... I do...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES Are you Asking or Assuming? 🤔 We do things based on our assumptions. We think we know what we should do and what people want to buy from us. But the only way to know for sure? See what happens when we Make The Offer. Most people kill the sale before it happens because they're too afraid to Make The Offer. And they're right to be afraid. It's scary to put something out there with a price tag. You're making a statement "Do you want this?" And often the answer is:...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES If you believe in marketing, you'd think that EVERYONE wants to save time and money. The way to save time and money? Buy the thing they're selling. You know, spend now to save later. Do the thing they're telling you to do instead of doing something else with your time. But spending on something is never saving. It's just a gimmick to make you feel like you're making a good choice. I don't buy it. I enjoy spending my time and spending my money. That's exactly what...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES Welcome to your first Sales Series Newsletter 01! I'm so happy you decided to join me. This is the start of our async conversation via email.* We'll discuss how you make alternative sales through storytelling, community, and service. And how you do sales with ease and grace. Today in America we honor laborers for Labor Day. But I don't want you doing labor. I want you to savor this rare and fleeting experience called life. The truth is that hard work doesn't always...

LAUREN WALLETT SALES SERIES Good morning from Edinburgh! Starting in the middle Here's where I'm at: I want to write you a proper newsletter with a theme, consistently. After +10 years of various attempts of building email lists, I know what I dislike: Email Scripts Copywriting Advice Nurture Sequences Sales Funnels They irritate me to read and I get a rash just thinking about sending them. I'm done with emails like that. The unglamorous truth All business is sales. And if you're anything...

Announcement #1 I'm thrilled to announce that I made it to the top 10% of applicants and was accepted to the Spring Cohort of Founders Boost for Creatrix Follow along with all things Creatrix on LinkedIn here and on Instagram here. Announcement #2 I am thrilled to be collaborating with the only male whom I listen to: Matthew Silver. He is a huge source of inspiration to me and thousands of people. We are co-hosting The Fool Workshop in NYC, which is a non-profit organization that makes...